
Showing posts from January, 2018
Top 10 Unanswered Science Questions.              Image credit:- Google image 10. What is the universe made of? Our researchers don't comprehend what 95% of our universe is comprised of. Everything that we see around us is comprised of Atoms and scarcely represents 5% of the universe. In most recent 80 years the researchers have scarcely ready to reason that the rest of some dim issue and dim vitality. The previous was found in 1933 and it goes about as imperceptible paste that ties and holds the cosmic systems and worlds group together. 9. How did life start? Nobody has a response for it. Science says billions of years prior some straightforward chemicals got together and made the primary atom independent to reproduce itself. We people are by one means or another connected by development to those early natural particles. Be that as it may, the inquiry still stays everywhere that how did those essential chemicals display on the early Earth. All the more so ev
Trump will ‘go to great lengths’ to stop Pakistan aid: Nikki Haley               (Image credit :- AFP)  US President Donald Trump will go all out to cut off aid to Pakistan if it continues to back terrorists, US Permanent Representative Nikki Haley has warned. “The President is willing to go to great lengths to stop all funding for Pakistan if they continue to harbour terrorism,” she told reporters here on Tuesday. “The administration is withholding $255 million in assistance to Pakistan” because its “double game” of working with US at times and with terrorists at others “is not acceptable to this administration” she said. “We expect far more cooperation from Pakistan in the fight against terrorism,” she added. In her meeting with the media to outline the US priorities for 2018, Haley, who represents the administration’s hawkish positions, mentioned Pakistan’s terror ties as the third area of concern after Iran and North Korea. In his first Tweet of the New Year, Trum
Fidel Castro’s signed cigar box may fetch $20,000 at auction.               Image credit:- (Google image)  A signed wooden box, containing a set of 24 cigars from the personal collection of Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro, is expected to fetch $20,000 at an auction in the US.The Trinidad Fundadores cigar box retains its “Republica de Cuba” cigar warranty seal, which has been re-adhered to the cover. The box contain 24 cigars, and is stamped on each end, “24 Fundadores,” with a maker’s mark on the bottom, “Habanos S A, Hecho en Cuba, Totalmente a mano”. The box is accompanied by an image of Castro signing it for noted philanthropist Eva Haller, according to the Boston- based RR Auctions. “Castro handed to me the box of cigars. He gave them to me, because I jokingly asked him for it, when others lit a cigar,” Haller wrote in a letter dated March 2002. “I told him, that if he signs the box, I will sell it and make lots of money. He thought that was funny,” she wrot